How to Microdose
Microdosing is the practice of taking super-tiny amounts of psychedelics, such as natural psilocybin on a regular basis. The aim of this practice is to receive various suggested benefits while staying in a sub-perceptual (unnoticeable) level of intoxication.
1-2 hours after ingesting a microdose of psilocybin (truffles or mushrooms), most users can notice an increase in focus, energy, and a more fulfilled, meaningful attitude towards life. Most microdosers explain this feeling as – “a great day where your mood is good like you would have had enough sleep, exercise and eaten very well”. Some also describe other personal changes like increased empathy or similar focus/mood related feelings. Most user reports also state that microdosing psilocybin allows them to be more present in the moment.
The general rule is that you should take microdoses of psychedelics not more often than every 3 days. This might feel strange for some unexperienced people that are used to take supplements everyday, but it’s very logical to do so.
Our bodies are very active when it comes to creating antibodies and other defense organisms against psychedelics. That’s why mushrooms/truffles, that contain natural psilocybin, will not work the same the day after having a psychedelic experience. You have to take significantly more while receiving fewer effects.
The same patterns should be respected when microdosing. Making sure that you only microdose every 3 days or so, you can give your body time to get back to normal tolerance. Some experienced microdosers will also suggest having longer periods of time when you are not microdosing at all. This might be a healthy habit, like with everything else, to allow your body to rest from certain states/compounds.
However, people are not the same, therefore many different ways of use are also common. Like, for instance, take it for two days, stop one day, and then repeat. Or take it for five days, stop two days, and then repeat. Important is that the dosis stays below noticeable hallucination effects. But most important is to listen to your body.
What amount should the microdosing dose be?
The recommendation is between 0,5 and 1,5 grams. Some more experienced people are able to increase this dose, but always listen to your body. The reason for this is that people are not the same in weight, length, gender etc.
In most cases, one of the best impact of microdosing is noticeable when dealing with various types of addictions and easing out of them. Another common field when users seek help with microdosing, is depression and anxiety-related problems. With that being said, there are multiple other impacts of microdosing:
- Peak performance
- Enhanced creativity
- Increased self-confidence
- Better physical health (or feeling)
- Easier to access the flow state
- Better problem solving
- Better focus
- More empathy
- More present in the moment
- Feelings of purpose
- Sleep better
- Feeling more positive
From a more treatment perspective, the general beliefs are that microdosing can potentially help to deal with stress, anxiety, improve sleep patterns and mood, menstruation pain, help with headaches (even reduce migraine), and finally pain relief.
A full recreational dose of any psychedelic drug can vary widely based on tolerance level, experience level, expected effects, and many other factors. The practice of microdosing tries to make psychedelics work to our well-being without actually intoxicating us.
This means that those, who start microdosing are looking for a perfectly balanced dose that works personally for them. This microdose has to bring no noticeable effects associated with psychedelic intoxication, while just slightly making your day better.
It seems like a paradox to realize that act of microdosing is actually “finding the perfect dose that doesn’t have any effects on me and gives me all the effects that make my daily life better”.
In other terms, you can look at it this way; a full active recreational dose will bring you a full palette of very noticeable effects, while a microdose will keep things sub-perceptual (unnoticeable).
One of the most popular conditions why people are interested in microdosing, is that they are looking for help with their depression or anxiety.
Like with everything, microdosing – science yet has to prove any claims when it comes to microdosing psychedelics. But many microdosing users report elevated and less stressful moods after microdosing.
There are many personal reports when it comes to microdosing psychedelics to get yourself out of a depression or similar states. But you shouldn’t treat tiny doses of psychedelics like the magical pill that will wash all your worries away and will make you better.
You will have to make yourself better. It’s you that will have to focus on changing yourself, your habits, behaviors, and psychological patterns, to become a person that is confident, happy, and feels valued by society. Psychedelics, in some cases, can be that first stepping stone (both in recreational or even hero doses, or tiny microdoses).
There is some scientific evidence when it comes to taking psychedelics and lowering your anxiety and depression level even long after the direct effects are gone. But scientists can’t fully understand how, when and in what conditions psychedelics can be used to help people with their mental conditions.
One thing is clear; psychedelics (both in low and high amounts), can have a significant power to allow us to tap into an immense, not fully understood, potential that our minds possess. But to use that potential, we will have to be the ones doing the hard work. Psychedelics can open some doors that we might not find all by ourselves. But walking through that door and living on the other side, has to be done by us intentionally.
To sum it up, if you are reading this because you think that microdosing psychedelics might be the right solution to help you fight your depression, this might be true. But it will still be your fight, that you will have to win. And it will take more than good habits, daily exercise, a healthy diet, socializing, meditation, journaling, and microdosing to fully recover. It will take your full determination!
Important: if you suffer from manic depression, microdosing will not help you. It can make it worse, so you are not allowed to use it.
Yes. If microdosing elevates your mood and makes you more present, thus more relaxed, it can be a great way to help you fight any addictions you might have. You will still have to do the most of the hard work, by “not taking the substance you are addicted to”. But being in a better mood can make this fight a bit easier for you.
That’s why when fighting with antidepressants, alcohol, cannabis, tobacco or any other addiction, you could consider microdosing to make it easier for you to get through the day. The key factor is ‘taper’. This means you slowely decrease the amount of substance that you are addicted to.
Another benefit can come from a “habit change” perspective. In most cases, fighting an addiction not only means “not doing something” anymore, but it also means reshaping your routines and habits to “weed-out” the bad habits that got out of control.
In this sense, feeling like you changed addiction to X, with a habit of microdosing can be a cornerstone of the fight you are about to take on. Our brains are wired in a way, where changing a bad habit with a better one, can sometimes be way much easier than actually throwing addictive habit away without having anything to help us distract ourselves from the urges.
So if you need to fight an addiction that you might have. One of the ways could be, changing your bad habit with a habit of microdosing. This way, every three days you will be able to have that closure moment that will remind you why you have to do this. Microdosing will elevate your moods, and therefore, can be helpful with resisting the powerful urges you will have along the way.
Magic Truffles contain nutrients that serve for the construction, energy supply and regulation of the human organism and are necessary for the maintenance, functioning and development of that organism, and thus can be consumed because of those substances.
Magic truffles contain the following nutritional values:
NOTE: Magic Truffles naturally contain the substances Psilocybin and Psilocin. Psilocybin and Psilocin are hallucinogens. Hallucinogens are substances with a mind-altering effect that can induce hallucinations. When consuming Magic Truffles, take the effect of these substances seriously into account and always keep Magic Truffles out of the reach of children because of these substances! Store Magic Truffles in a dark, dry and cool place between 2 and 4 ℃.
Do not use during pregnancy, when you use medicine or when you suffer from psychotic disorders, colorblindness, autism or manic depression. Never combine with alcohol or any drugs. Do not drive when you took more than the prescribed amount. Sales under the age of 18 not allowed. If you have any doubts, please contact your doctor first.
James Fadiman is an American psychologist and writer, that can be held “responsible” for grounding the microdosing idea into the mainstream culture. He has been studying psychedelics for years and is currently running a 59 country/400 participant study, making this the largest microdosing study to date.
He wrote a book called The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide back in 2011, and was personally responding to any questions that users had about microdosing psychedelics on his email. Later he used all those answers and created a basic protocol based on all the answers and most common questions. This means most of the insights and standards we have today about microdosing comes from James Fadiman.